Or to become the BEST among your peers? Or to expand the circle of friends? Or to win valuable prizes? Take part in our competition! This competition will give you a great opportunity to achieve everything at once!
Turin Polytechnic Institute in Tashkent for the first time organizes the competition called “The team of the best readers” and encourages new talented readers. Do not miss a chance and show your abilities and talents!
Applications are accepted from February 1 to February 29.
The competition includes the following stages:
1. “Connoisseur in Uzbek literature”
2. “Connoisseur in world literature”
3. “Poetry”
4. “Scene on a free topic”
Information on the list of books selected for the competition”The best team of readers – 2020″ can be gotten in the department on working with youth (room – 202).
Teams with high results will be awarded valuable prizes!