
Oksana Ismailova


Associate Professor



Scopus Profile

Teaching Subjects

2006PhD in Physics and mathematics,  Heat Physics Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Specialization –Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics
2002-2006PhD student, Heat Physics Department, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Diploma of Higher Education in Physics, National University of Uzbekistan, Faculty of Physics, Department of Optics.


Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Department Natural-Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor


Researcher at the Computational group of the Institute Ion-Plasma and Laser Technology of Uzbekistan Academy Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Post Doctoral Researcher at the  Quantum Chemistry Computational group at the Institute of Ion Physics and Applied Physics of the University of Innsbruck, Austria


Researcher at the Heat Physics Department of Uzbekistan AS in the Thermophysics of the Computational calculations group


Post Doctoral Researcher in Computational Chemistry Group at the University of Nottingham, United Kingdom


Junior scientist (a full-time postgraduate research position) at the Heat Physics Department of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences in the Thermophysics of the phase transition group


Engineer at the Heat Physics Department of the Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences in the Thermophysics of the phase transition group

2017Visitor scientist (Terahertz spectroscopy of aqueous solution, Tsukuba, Japan)

TWAS Prize


DAAD Scholarship (Freiburg, Germany, 2014)


Post Doctoral Marie Curie Scholarship (Size effects in molecular clusters confined helium nanodroplets “HeNanoDroplet" , Innsbruck,  Austria)


Post Doctoral Marie Curie Scholarship (Electron self trapping in supercritical CO2 "ETRAPCO2", Nottingham, UK)


DAAD Scholarship (Kiel, Germany, 2006)


ICTP Fellowship grant (Trieste, Italy)


NATO ASI Travel grant (Izmir, Turkey)


NATO ASI Travel grant (Erice, Italy)


NATO ASI Travel grant (Benasque, Spain)


Europe Society Travel grant (Granada, Spain)


NATO ASI Travel grant (Geilo, Norway)


NATO ASI Travel grant (Leshouches, France)

1.          Makhkamov Sh., Umarova F., Normurodov A., Sulaymonov N., Ismailova O., Tashmetov M. Ab initio investigation of ultra-small silicon nanocrystals doping by phosphorous. Condensed Matter 2020 (accepted to print)

2.          Plastinin I., Burikov S., Gofurov Sh., Ismailova O., Mirgorod Yu., Dolenko T.. Features of Self-Organization of Sodium Dodecyl-Sulfate in Water-Ethanol solutions: Theory and Vibrational Spectroscopy. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2020, Vol. 298, 112053. http:/ molliq.2019.112053

3.          Makhkamov Sh., Umarova F., Normurodov A., Sulaymonov N., Ismailova O., Tashmetov M., A.Kiv. DFT calculation of small silicon clusters doping by phosphorous Proceedings of Adavanced Nanomaterials for detection of CBRN 2-6 Oct 2019, Odessa,

4.          Gofurov Sh., Makhmanov U., Kokhkharov A.. Ismailova O.  Structural and Optical Characteristics of Aqueous Solutions of Acetic Acid. Applied Spectroscopy 2019, Vol. 73(5) 503–510 DOI:

5.          Gofurov Sh., Ismailova O., Makhmanov U., Kokhkharov A.. Heteromolecular Structure Formation in Aqueous Solutions of Ethanol, Tetrahydrofuran and Dimethylformamide. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology International Journal of Chemical and Molecular Engineering 2017, 11(4), pp. (330-333) DOI:10.1999/1307-6892/10006929.

6.       Makhmanov U., Ismailova O., Kokhkharov A., Zakhidov E., Bakhramov S.. Features of self-aggregation of C60 molecules in toluene prepared by different methods. Physics Letters A 2016 380 (24), pp.2081-2084.

7.          B.L.Oksengendler, O.B. Ismailova, M. M. Marasulov, I.Z. Urolov. On the degradation mechanism of functioning solar cells based on organic-inorganic perovskites. Applied Solar Energy 2014, 50(4), pp.255-259 DOI:10.3103/S0003701X14040100

8.          Razzokov J, Ismailova O.B., Mamatkulov S. I.,  O.V Trunilina  Kokhkharov A.M. Heteromolecular Structures in Aqueous Solutions of Dimethylformamide and Tetrahydrofuran, According to Molecular Dynamics Data -Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry . 08/2014; 88(88):1500-1506.

9.          B.L.Oksengendler, O.B. Ismailova, M. M. Marasulov, N.N.Turaeva, I.N.Nurgaliev. Possible mechanisms of charge separation during exiton decay in the polymer matrices of third-generation solar cell. Applied Solar Energy 01/2014; 50(1):4-9. DOI:10.3103/S0003701X14010101

10.       Kaiser A., Ismailova O.B., Koskela A., Huber S. E., Ritterd M., Cosenza B., Benger. W., Nazmutdinov R., Probst M., Ethylene glycol revisited: molecular dynamics simulations and visualization of the liquid and its hydrogen-bond network. J. Mol. Liquids 2013, 189(100), pp.20-29  DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2013.05.033

11.       Ismailova O.B., Berezin A.S, Probst M., and Nazmutdinov R.R. Interfacial Bond-Breaking Electron Transfer in Mixed Water-Ethylene Glycol Solutions: Reorganization Energy and Interplay between Different Solvent Modes. J. Phys. Chem. B 2013, 117 (29), pp. 8793-8801. DOI: 10.1021/jp405097c.

12.       Cappellin L., Karl T., Probst M.,  Ismailova O.B, Winkler P. M., Soukoulis C., Aprea E, Tilmann D. M., Gasperi F., and Biasioli F. On Quantitative Determination of Volatile Organic Compound Concentrations Using Proton Transfer Reaction Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46 (4), 2283–2290. DOI: 10.1021/es203985t

13.       Mamatkulov S. I., Ismailova O. B., Ashirmatov S. The influence of pressure on the stability of clathrate hydrates of hydrogen and tetrahydrofuran. Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2011, 85 (5), 760–766. DOI: 10.1134/S0036024411050219

14.       Mamatkulov S. I., Ismailova O. B., Saidov, A. A., Khabibullaev, P. K. Thermodynamics of tetrahydrofurane clathrate formation. Doklady Russia 2010, 430 (1), 5–9. DOI: 10.1134/S0012501610010021