
Kasim Khusanov

Natural-Mathematical science department​



PhD, Dotsent

Scopus Profile

Teaching Subjects

Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Quality and Educational Standards and Assessments Assurance


Professor (Associate, Dotsent) of Mathematics and Computer Sciences,  the Ministry of Higher Education of USSR 


PhD (Kandidat Nauk) of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University 


Leningrad(St. Petersburg) State University, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics, Postgraduate Course/Aspirantura (Russia)


BSc and MSc student, Leningrad (St. Petersburg) State University, Department of Mathematics and Mechanics (Russia)

Jan 2011-present

Professor, Associate Professor, vice-head of the Department of Natural and Mathematical sciences, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

July 2008-2010

Manager of Multimedia Studio, senior teacher on IT, Mathematics and Statistics, Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) in Tashkent

Jan. 2002-2008

Associate Professor of Chair of Information and Communication Technologies, Institute for training and retraining of personnel for senior secondary and professional education, faculty of in-service teacher training


Associate Professor of Chair of Mathematics, Tashkent Financial Institute


Associated Professor of Chair of Informatics and Applying Programming, National University of Uzbekistan, faculty of mechanics and mathematics

Sept. 2002-2005

Distance Education Local Expert, Cambridge Education Consultants, SSVE International Project of ADB-1737Uz


Head of Computer Centre, Head of Chair of Applying Mathematics, Associated Professor, Namangan State University


Head of Centre, Namangan Regional Centre of the New Information Technologies

IMG EU, Italy, 2015; DAAD, Germany, 2010; MDIS, Singapore, 2018; Eurasia Foundation, USA, 2000, 1997; ACCELS/Ustoz, USA, 1999, USA; IBM, 1990, USA

Monographs, textbooks, patents

  1. Khusanov,Problems and tasks on Computer Sciences (Manual in English), Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 2017.
  2. Khusanov, M. Mirolimov, System of distance education for improving skills of pharmaceutics//Registration of electronic products by Patent State Agency of Uzbekistan, No DGU 01925, Tashkent, 2010.
  3. K. Khusanov, R. Umirzakov, “Perspektiva” fanidan electron darslik (Electronical textbook on Perspektive (E-learning textbook in uzbek), Registration of electronic products by Patent State Agency of Uzbekistan, No DGU 01417, Tashkent, 2007.
  4. K. Khusanov,G. Ernazarova, “Electrotexnika” faninidan electron darslik (Elektronical textbook on Electrical Engineering (E-learning textbook in uzbek), Registration of electronic products by Patent State Agency of Uzbekistan, No DGU 02006, Tashkent, 2006.
  5. K.Khusanov. Teaching Informatics (Distance educational textbook in uzbek), Tashkent, 2004.
  1. Gafurov, M. Kholmurodov, K. Khusanov, Иқтисодий-математик усуллар ва моделлар (Economical mathematics methods and models (Computerized textbook in uzbek), Tashkent, 2001.

Other publications


  1. Khusanov, Distance Education in Uzbekistan during the pandemic of Covid-19,

DOI: 0.13140/RG.2.2.29832.03847at:, 2020.

  1. Khusanov, Development of e-Learning Materials, ACTA TPUT, 9 (2), 2019, pp. 53-54.
  2. Khusanov, O. Karpova, F. Niyazov, Development of computing centre on mathematical engineering, Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan, 2019, pp. 23-28.
  3. Khusanov, Development of web-based quality assurance learning management system, ACTA TPUT, 2, 2018, pp.18-21.
  4. Khusanov, Разработка системы дистанционного образования для повышения квалификации кадров (Development of Distance Education System for improving skillsof personnel), Computational Technologies, № 13, VestnikKazNU,4 (59), Part III, Almaati-Novosibirsk, Kazakhstan, Russia, 2008, p.p.305-307.
  5. Khusanov, Разработка системы дистанционного образования для повышения квалификации кадров (Development of Distance Education System for improving skills of personnel), Computational Technologies, № 13, VestnikKazNU, 4 (59), Part III, Almaati-Novosibirsk, Kazakhstan, Russia, 2008, p.p.305-307.
  6. Lopes, G. Urazboev, Y. Kandalina, G. Zakirova, K. Khusanov, U. Ibragimov, Achievements of the project "ECCUM" for the dissemination, Erasmus+ in Uzbekistan, 2018, pp. 24-27.
  7. Khusanov, N. Narcheva, Virtualization and cloud technologies in e-learning, Transactions of the Republic conference with the participation of the scientists abroad “Modern problems of dynamical systems and their application”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1-3 May 2017, p.p. 280-281.
  8. Khusanov, B. Jumaniyozov, Methods of identification in the distance learning, Transactions of the Republic conference with the participation of the scientists abroad “Modern problems of dynamical systems and their application”, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 1-3 May 2017, p.p. 279-280.
  9. Khusanov, The use of integrated e-learning platform, Perspectives of Higher Education Development, HEREs publications with the support of the Erasmus + project of the European Union, Tashkent, 2016, p.p. 102-107.
  10. Khusanov, D. Davletova, Using simulation in ecological and environmental problems, ACTA TPUT, 5, 2015,pp. 19-23.

Total number of publications is more than 120, most of them belong to education sphere, including e-Learning, Quality Assurance and Educational Standards&Assessments in Education.