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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent was visited by the graduate pupils of Presidential School and “Sehriyo” School.

The choice of a future profession and university for continuing education is not an easy decision for schoolchildren. To get acquainted with the activities of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, under the guidance of school teachers, students from the Presidential School and “Sehriyo” School arrived on the campus.

The acquaintance began with a tour in the university campus by volunteer students. During the excursion, the students managed to get acquainted with all opportunities of the university: a huge library, lecture halls, laboratories, a mechatronics center, a technopark and a sports block.

Then, the head of the marketing department Juraev O. gave detailed information about the directions of study, future prospects and requirements for admission.

We hope that the familiarization meeting with the university helped some of the students to determine their future profession and decide in the choice of a university.