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Employees of TTPU won the scholarship contest of the «El-Yurt Umidi» Foundation

Employees of “Civil Engineering and Architecture” department of Turin polytechnic University in Tashkent Abdurakhim Nabijonov and Mukhammad-Bobur Zokhidov won the scholarship contest of the «El-Yurt Umidi» Foundation for the MASTER’S education program.

“I was born in a family of teachers. I am very grateful to my father, who was my first teacher through my way in science and technology. We were used to discuss scientific topics since I was very young and hard to perceive the scientific terminology. But always he tried to define every single keywords, even small details and interesting points. After graduating from Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent, I worked as a private teacher of exact sciences. In that period I realized that I was chosen to become a teacher and I could add my contribution to built my nation’s bright future by applying my full academic skills and my mission was fully defined by targeting to become a well qualified teacher. Now I am working as an assistant teaching staff(laborant) at the university gaining the great and considerably important experiences through applying the knowledge gained from highly qualified foreign professors during my studies at TTPU. Now I am going to expand my academic and scientific potential by continuing my study in the next step of educational program at Politecnico di Torino in Italy as I have been successfully selected to Mechatronics – Software technologies for automation program through which  I can effectively add my contribution to technological and industrial sectors of our country’s economy”-said Abdurakhim Nabijonov.

Our second winner, Mukhammad-Bobur Zohidov, graduated from the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in 2020, and he is currently working at the “Civil Engineering and Architecture” department of the university. Mukhammad Bobur Zohidov, enrolled the master’s degree at the Faculty of  “Advanced computational and civil engineering structural studies” at the Technical University of Dresden, Germany and received a grant from the “El-Yurt Umid” Foundation.

We congratulate both of our awardees on their achievements and wish them success in their future endeavors!