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Book Lovers Club was opened at TTPU

On December 20, 2022, a cultural and educational event dedicated to the symbolic opening of the Book lovers club was held in the library of Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent. The evening was attended by book-loving students, teachers and guest – the winner of the “Shuhrat” medal, the head of the department of literary promotion and organization of events, a member of the Writers’ Union of Uzbekistan Farogat Musurmonovna Khudoykulova.

Ashurov Alisher Mavlonovich, the first vice-rector for work with youth, opened the cultural-educational event and congratulated the members of the club on this important date, and emphasized the importance of organization book lovers club for our students.

The organizer of the club and moderator of the evening, tutor of academic groups Fakhriddin Orolovich Sattiev, gave a presentation about the history, advantages and goals of book lovers’ clubs and the formats for organizing meetings for club members.

After that, the guest of the event, Farogat Musurmonovna Khudoykulova, congratulated the members of the club and made a speech on the issue.

Tutor of academic groups Eshonkulov Mirshod Ne’matovich gave a presentation to the participants of the event about 10 main benefits of reading books.

At the end, the participants agreed to hold meetings in our library to discuss the works read once or twice a month.