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The further stages of cooperation were discussed.

On September 27, 2023 as part of visit of the German business delegation of Southern Thuringia to Uzbekistan, a delegation headed by the president of the Chamber of Commerce and industry of Southern Thuringia visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the visit, guests were closely acquainted with the material technical base of the University, opportunities created for students, the activities of technical and scientific centers created to support innovation.

Also, as part of the cooperation of the TTPU and Simson Private Akademie (Germany), a round table discussion was organized with the listeners of the training courses, which began according to the signed memorandum on training in professional education directions. At the round table, the head of the SPA Academy Mr. Max Reumschüssel and representatives of and the employer company took part. During the meeting, the listeners of training course were able to get answers to all their questions related to the project from the German representatives.
During the visit, a meeting was organized between the business delegation of Thuringia and the management of the University, and further stages of cooperation were discussed.