The 5th meeting of the ERAMCA project and the Final Workshop were convened from January 7 to 11 of 2024 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), Uzbekistan. The aim of the meeting was to gather all ERAMCA project partners at TTPU to discuss the progress of the activation of the ERAMCA master degree program and laboratory in every partner university.
The following high-level guests participated at the meeting: Ms. Sara Noshadi,Head of the UNESCO Office in Tashkent, Uzbekistan; Ms. Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Coordinator of National Erasmus + Office in Uzbekistan; Mr. Botir Abdullayev, Art and Culture Development Foundation under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Mr. Tursunali Kuziev, Deputy Director of the Agency of Cultural Heritage of the Republic of Uzbekistan; Mr. Alessandro LIAMINE, Programme Manager of Cooperation Section Delegation of the European Union.
At the end of the meeting the delegation visited the new ERAMCA laboratory, met master students and got acquainted with their research activities.