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Ten Central Asia universities are being trained at University of Santiago de Compostela in Big Data within the framework of an international project

At the opening event of ELBA, endowed with one million euros for its execution, USC rector Antonio López Díaz held a meeting with counterparts from these institutions.

Santiago, February 27th, 2020. The ETSE Engineering College hosted on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th the kick-off meeting of the project ‘Establishment of training and research centres and course development on Intelligent Big Data Analytics in Central Asia’ (ELBA). In this capacity-building project, which will coordinate the USC through the Vice- Rectorship of Students and Internationalization and the CiTIUS, other institutions in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Italy and Slovenia are also involved. This event gathered in Compostela over 30 members of Central Asia and the European university community.

The ELBA Project, which has about one million euros for its execution, will work on the development of new skills in innovative technologies that help to improve the field of Big Data Analytics, an Artificial Intelligence (AI) paradigm which addresses the processing of huge amounts of data. This three-year initiative aims to respond to the shortage of qualified professionals to address its management, particularly in certain geographical areas.

Rector´s meeting with Central Asian counterparts

During the kick-off meeting, the rector Antonio López Díaz held a meeting with four rectors of the participating universities in order to strengthen relationships with these institutions.

Two other European partners (Turin Polytechnic and Primorska University) and ten institutions from Central Asia, from Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, also participate with the USC, the project´s coordinating institution. USC´s tasks will be geared towards improving the training capacity of Central Asian partners, monitoring and advising in order to build curricula in Big Data Analytics and provide learning methods and tools in intelligent big data processing technologies. At this initial meeting, the partners will define the main project guidelines and lines of action to undertake in this first year of implementation and will take part in several seminars on good practices for the implementation of projects taught by USC teachers and technicians.