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In accordance with the protocol of the meeting № 51, held on September 21, 2021 under the chairmanship of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan dedicated to measures for the preparation and conduct of the presidential elections of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the highest level, employees and teachers of the university took an active part in the election campaign, which took place from 5 to October 15 of this year among the population of the “Chimboy” and “Gulzor” makhallas of the Almazar region. Following employees and university professors, who took an active part in the propaganda work were financially awarded:

1. Alibekov Doniyor Nurmamatovich

2. Mavlonov Otabek Anvarovich

3. Usmonov Saidislom Mannonovich

4. Azamatov Abdulaziz Irgashevich

5. Xoltursinov Erkin Berkinbayevich

6. Eshqobilov Olimjon Yusupovich

7. Yaxshilikov Jamshid Alisherovich

8. Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich

9. Usmonov Umidjon Ravshan o‘g‘li

10. Nabixanova Fariza Sirajitdinovna

11. Allamova Gulbaxor Azatovna.