Department of Natural-Mathematical Sciences has gathered a team of prominent mathematicians and physicists here at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent with Dilshat Tulyaganov as its head of faculty. Their names and research achievements have brought tremendous breakthrough in their field of work….


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The Department of Natural and Mathematical Science was founded in 2009. The Department provides the educational process in fundamental disciplines, which can be conditionally divided into 5 main blocks:

  • Mathematics
  • Algebra and Geometry
  • Mathematical Analysis
  • Physics
  • General chemistry

In the frame of scientific and educational programs department collaborates with a number of foreign universities: Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), University of Aveiro (Portugal), Rutgers University (USA), University of Ioannina (Greece), Moscow State University (Russia), Institute of mathematics National of Academy Sciences of Ukraine, Clausthal Techniche University (Germany), Princeton University (USA), Georgia Technical University (USA), Toronto University (Canada), Kebangsaan University (Malaysia), Yildiz University (Turkey), Kazakh Leading of Architecture and Construction Academy (Kazakhstan),etc.

Go to the website for more information