Xalqaro “SOL-GEL 2020” konferensiyasi

Joriy yilning 11-15 oktabr kunlari Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti bilan hamkorlikda Samarqand Davlat Universitetida MDH davlatlarining oltinchi xalqaro konferensiyasi "Sol-gel sintezi va noorganik birikmalar, gibrid funksional materiallar va dispersli tizimlarni tadqiq qilish"-"SOL-GEL 2020" bo’lib o’tadi. Konferensiya davomida xorijiy va mahalliy professorlar-o'qituvchilar taqdimotlari bilan qatnashadilar. Bundan tashqari xalqaro deligatsiya Samarqand va Buxoro kabi tarixiy shaharlarga sayohat qiladi. Qolaversa, Toshkent viloyati Parkent tumanida joylashgan O`zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar Akademiyasi Materialshunoslik institutiga tashrif buyurishi rejalashtirilgan. Batafsil ma'lumotlarni quyidagi havola orqali bilib olishingiz mumkin.

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Take part in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 24

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Want to get a modern laptop💻 using your constitutional right📜? It's very easy. All you need to do is meet the following conditions: 🗳Take part in the elections of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on October 24;📝Vote for your candidate;📸😎Take a photo as shown in the sample👆🏻(or take a selfie);📥Send your photo with your student ID to this https://t.me/ttpu_saylov_2021 telegram channel.The winner will be announced live on our Instagram channel (@polito_uz) on October 25th at 4:00 pm via a random selection platform @wowrollbot only students over 18 years old of Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent can participate in…

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The visit of Deputy Minister of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

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On September 29th, 2021, Sahib Alakbarov Deputy Minister of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the meetings Deputy Minister got acquainted with the university campus and gave his views on science and industry.

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A seminar was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in the assembly hall on the topic “hyperMILL” – an innovative integrated CAM solution for the manufacture of molds and stamps.

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On 21th of September 2021 - A seminar was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in the assembly hall on the topic “hyperMILL" - an innovative integrated CAM solution for the manufacture of molds and stamps.Within the framework of the seminar, a Memorandum of Cooperation and Interaction was signed between “OPEN-MIND Technologies AG” jointly with JV “ABM-TECHNIK LLC” and the “Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent”. "OPEN-MIND company" has provided hyperMILL licensed software for use by students of our university.

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Global projects need the best talent to succeed.

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Representatives of the global recruitment and workforce services provider Brunel company visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. With offices in over 40 countries around the globe, Brunel has been matching talented professionals with the most respected industry leaders since 1975. At the meeting, BRUNEL company expressed a desire to invite graduates of our university specializing in Oil and Gas, Infrastructure, Automotive, Mining, Renewable Energy, Infrastructure and Life Sciences, and technical / engineering jobs in general to work. The Brunel company is very interested in our alumni.

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On the 15th of September 2021, the head of the international cooperation and academic mobility department of the Eurasian technological university visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The purpose of the visit is the academic cooperation between two universities. During the meeting have been agreed to start the student exchange program in "Software Engineering" from Spring 2022. 

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O‘zbekistonda ilk bor Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika universiteti talabalari tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan CubeSat (nano sun’iy yo‘ldosh) kosmosga uchiriladi.

CubeSat stratosferada havo namligi, shamol tezligi, havoning ifloslanish darajasi to‘g‘risidagi va boshqa turdagi ma’lumotlarni onlayn tarzda uzatadi, universitetda joylashtirilgan ma’lumotlarni qabul qiluvchi stansiyada uzatilgan ma’lumotlar tahlil qilinadi. Shuningdek, CubeSat uchishi davomida video tasvirlar onlayn tarzda uzatiladi, ushbu ma’lumotlar yordamida kelgusida geo axborot tizimlari yo‘nalishidagi tadqiqotlarda foydalaniladi. Ushbu tadbirda ishtirok etish uchun sizni Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika universitetiga 2021 yil 17 sentabr kuni ertalab soat 05:30 ga taklif qilamiz.

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Admission Test (Phase-3) Results are announced!

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Dear Applicants, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE SUCCESSFUL PASSING OF THE ADMISSION TEST for the Academic Year 2021-2022! Please pay particular attention to this official announcement! Based on the results of the Third Entrance Exams the applicants are divided into four categories: FIRST CATEGORY: Those who scored 40.00 points or greater will be directly enrolled to the First Level (= Second Course). If the applicants DO NOT have IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) they are required to provide an IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) by the end of October, 2021*. Tuition fee for one academic year is 28 500 000 (twenty-eight million five hundred…

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Deadline: 05.10.2021 Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent ANNOUNCES THE TENDER “Purchase of equipment for furnishing the Scientific and Technical Laboratory” Assessment of the seismic stability of buildings and structures “at the Technopark of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.” The maximum acceptable amount is 500.000 (five hundred thousand) USD. Funding source: Funds resources for the Support of Seismology, Seismic Resistance of Structures and Seismic Safety under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Delivery time: 60 days. Customer: Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Customer’s address: 100095, 17, Kichik Halka street, Almazar district, Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. Tel: +998 (71)…


A delegation consisting of representatives of “Allur Group of Companies” visited our university

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The purpose of the visit is to study the positive experience of the system of training specialists in the field of the modern automotive industry at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the meetings, it was agreed to cooperate in the field of training in the automotive industry.

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Our dear freshmen!

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From that moment on, you became full members of the large team of the Turin Polytechnic University in the city of Tashkent - one of the leading universities in Uzbekistan. The doors to the world of science and creativity have opened in front of you. It depends only on you which life path you choose and what you will achieve in life. The main thing is to set high goals for yourself and strive for them.As students of the University of Turin, you can study with the best professors and teachers of Italy and Uzbekistan, do science under the guidance…

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Innov action to be step ahead

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Today, August 31st, a representative of the Italian company Danieli Group Lorenzo Mozetic visited our university. During the visit, he invited our graduates to join their company. Danieli Group is an Italian supplier of equipment and physical plants to the metal industry. It is one of the world leaders in the production of steel plants, in particular in the long products segment, where it owns more than a 90% market share.

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Matematik olim “Doʼstlik” ordeni sohibi

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetining tabiiy-matematika fanlari kafedrasi professori Fayazov Qudratillo Sadridinovich “Doʼstlik” ordeni bilan taqdirlandi. Oliy darajali “Doʼstlik” ordeni bilan qardosh xalqlar oʼrtasida koʼp asrlik doʼstlik va qoʼshnichilik munosabatlarini mustahkamlashdagi, jamiyat va xalqlarning birdamligini uygʼunlashtirishdagi, xar tomonlama strategik hamkorlikni rivojlantirishdagi alohida xizmatlari uchun faxrli ustozimiz Fayazov Qudratillo Sadridinovichni bu mukofot bilan universitetimiz jamoasi chin yurakdan tabriklaydi. Vatan taraqqiyoti yoʼlida olib borayotgan faoliyatida ulkan zafarlar tilaymiz.

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Start-up projects are supported!

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As a result of the presentation held at the National Bank of Uzbekistan on August 23, 2021, students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent received credit from the National Bank for start-up projects. The purpose of the credit is to create the necessary conditions and opportunities for talented young people to fully demonstrate their talents and potential in all areas. Financial support for youth entrepreneurship. Loan amount - up to the equivalent of 100 thousand US dollars. During the presentation, our students provided detailed information about their projects. The projects eligible for loans are: 1. VELOCITY (Rent of the…

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REGULATION ON ADMISSION – THIRD PHASE AND DEADLINES OF SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE STUDY PROGRAMS IN TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT (TTPU) FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/2022 CORRESPONDS THE RULES FOR THE FIRST PHASE Date of examination Exam of the third phase will take place tentatively at the beginning of September (the exact date of the exam and the deadline for registration will be announced later).THE REGISTRATION WILL START ON MONDAY, AUGUST 15TH.IMPORTANT NOTE: the eligible applicants participating in the third exam are not allowed to skip PY. The admissions tests will be at the Turin Polytechnic…


Results of the visit of TTPU to Polito

With warm smiles on their faces, POLITO’s Rector Guido Saracco, left, and TTPU’s Rector Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev, right, just a second before signing the Partnership Agreement 2021-2025 on the Academic Cooperation between Politecnico di Torino and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent at Polito Rectorate, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, July 19, 2021. TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IN TASHKENT AUGUST 04, 2021 TTPU NEWSLETTER In a five-day trip (July 19-23) to Politecnico di Torino (Italy) by the TTPU delegation led by Rector Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev signed five-year institutional agreements, reached an agreement to launch a Professional Bachelor’s Degree, took a tour to an Italian boarding…

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New undergraduate programs

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Undergraduate programs in “Software Engineering” and “Architecture and Design” have been established at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Students will begin their studies in the new academic year from the 2021-2022 academic year. Education is full-time, duration is 4 years, all subjects are taught in English by local and foreign professors, students have opportunity to study 1 or 2 semesters through the Exchange student program at foreign partner universities during their study. Students can participate in the Work & Travel program in 2nd and 3rd year. The educational process is based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).…

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Meeting with an expert from Denmark on alternative energy

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On July 29, 2021, an expert in alternative energy Dr. Hans Laurberg (CEO and Founder of Rope Robotics) paid a visit to Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, where he met with the university leadership. The application of robotics in alternative energy sources was discussed throughout the meeting.On August 9, there will be an open seminar for professors and students.

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