Delegation of Azerbaijan Technical University visited

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On October 28 of this year, a delegation led by rector of Azerbaijan Technical University Vilayat Valiev visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. As part of the visit, the university infrastructure, the conditions created for students and student achievements were introduced for guests and a meeting was organized. At the meeting, issues such as academic cooperation, implementation of student exchange programs, development of joint scientific projects were discussed, and a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed on the establishment of bilateral cooperation in these areas.

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TTPU Students at BYD Factory

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On October 25 of this year, a tour was organized for students from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, pupils of Academic Lyceum under TTPU, "Sehriyo" school and Al-Beruniy International school to the joint venture "BYD Uzbekistan Factory" LLC in the Jizzakh region. At the event, organized to acquaint students more closely with the production process and to establish effective educational and industrial integration, representatives of the joint venture gave presentations on the company’s operations, history, and production capacity. The students then had the opportunity to visit the factory's welding, painting and assembly departments to see the complete production process of…

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Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting was held at TTPU

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On October 25, 2024, the National Erasmus+ Office (NEO), in cooperation with Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs), and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of Uzbekistan, hosted the Erasmus+ Cluster Meeting on "Impact of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) Projects in Engineering and Strengthening University-Industry Cooperation". At the beginning of the event, a tour of TTPU for guests was organized and closely acquainted with the activities of the University. The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and innovation Otabek Makhkamov, Rector of Turin…

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A meeting was held with the participation of the Rector of TTPU and the representative of Korea National Transport University

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On October 22 of this year, a meeting was organized with the participation of O.Tuychiev, Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and Prof. Ryumduk Oh, Dean of Korea National University of Transportation (KNUT). During the meeting, plans for prospects, joint projects aimed at developing the fields of artificial intelligence and green economy in Uzbekistan were discussed. At the end of the event, agreements were reached on the introduction of artificial intelligence into the educational process, the organization of additional seminar trainings in this direction, the cooperation of training courses for students and teachers of schools and academic lyceums by…

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Developments by TTPU students at international competition

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From October 16 to 19 of this year, the 16th International Robot Competition of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Turkey (MEB robot yarışması) is taking place in Erzurum, Turkey. The event features the participation of 80 teams from 17 countries, including the "Cosmos Innovation" team from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, with their innovative project "Body Tester" (the first Uzbek robot-doctor) in the Independent Project category (Serbest Proje). Turkish judges and experts are showing great interest in this development, presented by the team’s founder, Asadbek Urunov.

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TTPU graduate successfully defended his PhD thesis

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TTPU Alumni Shahbozbek Abdunabiev, successfully defended his PhD dissertation on the topic "The radiosonde cluster network: a novel approach to track Lagrangian fluctuations inside atmospheric clouds" under a scientific supervision of Professor Daniella Tordella in the Department of Applied Sciences and Technology of Politecnico di Torino.

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According to the MoU between TTPU and Swift Launch, a business incubator program is being established

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On October 17 of this year, a lecture on the importance of startups and the path of entrepreneurship was delivered to students at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent by the SWIFT Launch team. At the event, the Former Ambassador of Uzbekistan, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the "UZVC" National Venture Capital Fund Dr. Shaykhov Alisher participated as a guest speaker. The event, opened by TTPU Rector O.Tuychiev, was beneficial for students interested in startups and innovation. Information was provided on how to start their own business, how ideas can be turned into successful projects, details about the capabilities…

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Representatives of the Presidential administration of Turkey visited TTPU

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On October 18 of this year, representatives from the Human Resources Office of the Presidency of the Republic of Turkey visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The university representatives organized a tour of the campus for the guests, providing information about TTPU’s activities. During the demonstration of student projects and observation of the educational process, the guests interacted with the students, noting the high potential of the university, the growing number of talented Uzbek youth and invited them to the "Talent for BIZ" career fair, which will be held on October 19 at the Hyatt Regency Tashkent Hotel.

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Deputy Director of the Shanghai Center for Scientific and Technological Exchange of the People’s Republic of China visited TTPU

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On October 16 of this year, a delegation led by Zhou Yuan, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Center for Scientific and Technological Exchange of the People's Republic of China, visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Rector of TTPU, Olimjon Tuychiev welcomed the delegation members and organized a tour of the university. During the tour, students were given a detailed overview of the conditions created for them. Then, during the meeting, the university's potential and future plans were informed by Rector O.Tuychiev, a presentation on the activities of the Shanghai Center for Scientific and Technological Exchange was heard. As a result…

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An excursion was organized for “Architecture and Design” students of TTPU

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On October 14 of this year, to practically reinforce the theoretical knowledge gained during studies, Enter Engineering organized a tour for second-year "Architecture and Design" students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the tour, the students became familiar with the construction process of the National Agency for Social Protection building, in particular, with the layout of structural and communication systems, room dimensions on each floor, dismantling works, as well as the render showing the interior and exterior design of the building. They also, while communicating with foremen and construction workers, not only received practical advice but also had…

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment for the implementation of the project “Sphere: Sustainable transportation within the framework of a green deal”

In order to implement the Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-4477 of 04.10.2019 “On approval of the Strategy for the Transition of the Republic of Uzbekistan to a Green Economy for the Period 2019-2030”, PP-59 of 19.12.2022 “On measures to reform the public transport system” Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has recently become an active member of European Erasmus+ CBHE project “Sphere- Sustainable transportation within the framework of a green deal”. In this regard, for the purpose of project further implementation, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment indicated…

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A tender has been announced for construction and repair work to organize the opening ceremony of a new 5-storey building on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Further construction and repair work on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is as follows: Repair of the corridor and foyer of the 1st floor of the 4-storey educational building of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 2. Corridor leading to a newly built 5-story building on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University, student lounge (bosedka) and lobby part. 3. Repair of the 3-4 floors and stairs of the Student Residence building of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent The tender period is defined as 5 calendar days from the date of publication of the tender on…

Continue ReadingA tender has been announced for construction and repair work to organize the opening ceremony of a new 5-storey building on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

Transforming the World Through Human-Centered Design: Insights from a Seminar by a Korean Professor Kwan Myung Kim

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On September 25 of this year, Korean professor Kwan Myung Kim, Dean of Research affairs of Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea) visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. A tour of the university was organized for the guest, and the conditions created by the university, in particular, the projects implemented by university students were introduced. During the event, a meeting was held with the participation of TTPU Rector Olimjon Tuychiev. At the meeting, a presentation was made about the activities of the university and future cooperation was discussed. Also, a seminar by a Korean professor Kwan Myung…

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Initiation ceremony – 2024

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Today, the "Initiation ceremony" event was held for students admitted to the first year of the 2024-2025 academic year at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. At the start of the event, the national anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was played. Then, the Rector of TTPU, Olimjon Toychiyev, delivered a speech, wishing all the TTPU freshmen success in the new academic year. He also expressed confidence that they will become skilled professionals in the future. The Chairman of the University's parent council also congratulated the students on obtaining student status and wished them all the best. During the annual event,…

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Magistratura bo‘yicha ko‘p beriladigan savollar

Magistratura hujjatlarining topshirish muddati qachon tugaydi? 2024-yil 31-avgust. Magistraturada qanday mutaxassisliklar mavjud? “Axborot va aloqa muhandisligi”, “Tarixiy obidalarni restavratsiya qilish”, “Biznesni boshqarish (MBA)”. Magistraturada necha yil o‘qiladi? 2 yil. Magistraturada kontrakt narxi qancha? “Axborot va aloqa muhandisligi” - 22 000 000; “Tarixiy obidalarni restavratsiya qilish”- 15 000 000; “Biznesni boshqarish (MBA)” – 22 000 000. Magistraturaga hujjatlarni topshirish tartibi qanday? Faqat onlayn. Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti sayti ( orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tiladi va saytda ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan tegishli hujjatlar yuklanadi. Magistraturaga qanday hujjatlar talab qilinadi?pasport nusxasi;bakalavr diplomi ilovasi bilan; 3x4 fotosurat; Til sertifikati (agar mavjud bo’lsa). Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish to‘lovi Bo‘yicha Magistraturaga qabul qay tarzda amalga oshiriladi?…

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