On October 29 of this year, rector of TTPU delivered a presentation titled “Engaging in the Engineering Profession and Its Future Prospects” at “Ulugbek” fund to support talented young people.
The event was attended by the chairman of the “Ulugbek” fund to support talented young people, academician Salimov Akil Umurzakovich, Deputy Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation Makhkamov Otabek Mukhtarovich, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Tuychiev Olimjon Alijonovich as well as leaders from local universities, professors and teachers, directors of vocational schools, colleges, and technical schools and scientific researchers.

The event was opened with an introductory speech by the chairman of the Ulugh Beg Foundation, Academician O. Salimov, who then introduced the speakers. Following the presentation by Deputy Minister O. Makhkamov on “Modernization of the Vocational Education System,” Rector O. Tuychiev discussed the need for today’s engineers to become the drivers of science and production. He emphasized that engineers are the creators of advanced technologies, responsible for ensuring safety, health, and well-being through innovation, creativity, and transformation, and that they engage in the conception and implementation of new technologies.
Participants were also provided with information about the initiatives undertaken at the university in this area, the successes achieved, and they were introduced to the projects developed by TTPU students.