Magistratura bo‘yicha ko‘p beriladigan savollar

Magistratura hujjatlarining topshirish muddati qachon tugaydi? 2024-yil 31-avgust. Magistraturada qanday mutaxassisliklar mavjud? “Axborot va aloqa muhandisligi”, “Tarixiy obidalarni restavratsiya qilish”, “Biznesni boshqarish (MBA)”. Magistraturada necha yil o‘qiladi? 2 yil. Magistraturada kontrakt narxi qancha? “Axborot va aloqa muhandisligi” - 22 000 000; “Tarixiy obidalarni restavratsiya qilish”- 15 000 000; “Biznesni boshqarish (MBA)” – 22 000 000. Magistraturaga hujjatlarni topshirish tartibi qanday? Faqat onlayn. Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti sayti ( orqali ro‘yxatdan o‘tiladi va saytda ko‘rsatib o‘tilgan tegishli hujjatlar yuklanadi. Magistraturaga qanday hujjatlar talab qilinadi?pasport nusxasi;bakalavr diplomi ilovasi bilan; 3x4 fotosurat; Til sertifikati (agar mavjud bo’lsa). Ro‘yxatdan o‘tish to‘lovi Bo‘yicha Magistraturaga qabul qay tarzda amalga oshiriladi?…

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Announcement on the start of admission to basic doctoral studies on the basis of the State budget from September 15, 2024

We announce that admission to the basic doctoral studies at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent will start on September 15, 2024, based on the state budget, for the following specialties: • 05.09.01 - Construction structures, buildings and structures (Quota: 2); • 05.01.08 - Automation and management of technological processes and productions (Quota: 3); • 05.08.06 - Wheeled and gusenis cars and their use (Quota: 3); • 01.01.05 - Probability theory and mathematical statistics (Quota: 1); • 05.01.07 - Mathematical modeling. Numerical methods and set of programs (Quota: 1). Applicants for basic doctoral studies must submit the following documents: • application;…

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If you want to gain full knowledge that corresponds European standards, do not miss the chance to admit in a Master’s Program at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Here you can make your dreams come true and become a sought-after expert in the field of engineering and business administration. TTPU has all the opportunities to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge that are necessary for every future expert. For this academic year, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent offers to continue their master’s studies in the following areas: • “Information and Communication Engineering”: Quota: 25 • “Restoration and Conservation of…


On the defence of Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation in technical sciences

On the topic "Validation of the automobile engine life of cycle in a hydrogen-gasoline fuelled engine" Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich 05.08.06 - in the specialty "Wheeled and tracked machines and their use" (technical sciences). The defense of the thesis written for obtaining the scientific degree (PhD) will be held at the meeting of the Scientific Council numbered PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on July 5, 2024 at 15:00 o’clock. Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, Kichik Khalka yuli 17. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent city. Phone: (99871) 246-80-51; e-mail:;

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We would like to inform you that bank details of Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent have changed. New bank details: Bank:  JSC “InFinBank” Operational management Address of the bank: Tashkent city, Shaikhantaur district, st.A.Navoi, 18 b Account (soum): 20208000504790690001 MFO [BIC]: 01041 INN [TIN]: 301 249 598


ERASMUS+ Mobility Study Programme for Ph.D. Students Call for Applications

As part of the EU Erasmus+ mobility program, TTPU invites Ph.D. students to apply to participate in a mobility program for 9 months at Politecnico di Torino within the Erasmus+ inter-institutional agreement between both universities.  The purpose of the study visit is to strengthen the research of your PhD thesis, e.g. to open access to new research methodology and theoretical developments relevant to your research, or to work with faculty members abroad with expertise in your field of research, among others. The scholarship will be awarded on a competitive basis for nine months. Funds can be used toward covering travel…

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Scientific seminar on the specialty 05.08.06 – “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and their operation” at the Scientific Council under number PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 

On 16th of April 2024 at 10-00 a.m. (6.00 a.m. Italian time) the next scientific seminar to discuss the thesis for the Ph.D. candidate Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich on the topic “Validation of used engine oil life cycle in a hydrogen-fuelled engine” at the scientific seminar on the specialty 05.08.06 – “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and their operation” at the Scientific Council under number PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 will be held at Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent. Venue (onsite): Conference Room, Administrative Building Venue (online): Join the Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 834 8379 0367 Passcode: 1111

Continue ReadingScientific seminar on the specialty 05.08.06 – “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and their operation” at the Scientific Council under number PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 

Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

From 18 to 22 February 2024, in order to discuss plans for further cooperation with the management of Politecnico di Torino and to get acquainted with the research conducted on electric vehicles in the research centre "CARS", as well as to hold a series of meetings with representatives of the company "IVECO Trucks" and business circles, the Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent O.A.Tuychiev, with the chief specialist of the Department of Strategic Development and international relations F.T. Makhamatkhodjayev will pay a working visit to Italy.

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Scientific seminar on the specialty 05.01.08 – “Automation and management of technological processes and productions” at the Scientific Council under number PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 

On 27th of November 2023 at 14-00 the next scientific seminar to discuss the thesis for the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) candidate Alishev Sherqo‘zi Abdumannonovich on the topic "Algorithms for adaptive control of multi-stage variable parameter objects" at the scientific seminar on the specialty 05.01.08 – "Automation and management of technological processes and productions" on the basis of the Scientific Council numbered PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent. Date: November 27, 2023 Time: 2 p.m. (10.00 a.m. Italian time) Venue Scientific Room, Administrative Building Venue (online): Join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 816 9773 4071 Passcode : 1111

Continue ReadingScientific seminar on the specialty 05.01.08 – “Automation and management of technological processes and productions” at the Scientific Council under number PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent 

Scientific seminar on the speciality 05.08.06 – “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and their operation” at the Scientific Council under number  PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent  

On 22nd November 2023 at 14-00 the next scientific seminar to discuss the thesis for the Ph.D. candidate Mavlonov Jamshid Ruziboyevich on the topic “ Development of a method for selecting the powertrain components of a passenger electric vehicle” at the scientific seminar on the specialty 05.08.06 – “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and their operation” at the Scientific Council under number  PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 will be held at Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent. Date: November 22, 2023 Time: 2 p.m. (10.00 a.m. Italian time) Venue (onsite): Conference Room, Administrative Building Venue (online): Join Zoom meeting Meeting ID: 817 6860 1756 Passcode…

Continue ReadingScientific seminar on the speciality 05.08.06 – “Wheeled and tracked vehicles and their operation” at the Scientific Council under number  PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent  

List of applicants for Business Administration Management (3rd phase)

Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and the corresponding time of the admission test on Saturday August 26th, 2023 for the Management track. Please bring with you an identification document (passport or ID card) and a receipt of the admission fee. In order to ensure the transparency of the exam process, each applicant will see the result of the admission test on their computers immediately after the end of the test. Those applicants who score above the threshold, above 15 points, on tomorrow's exam, can come to the Marketing department (Room 102) to pick up their contract, starting…

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📣 Dear students 📣

We are announcing a change in the size of the tuition fees for the 2023-2024 academic year in the following tracks P.S. If full payment of tuition fees is made by September 1st, 2023, the contract amount remains the same as for the academic year 2022-2023 (Italian tracks - 28,500,000, Uzbek tracks - 19,200,000)

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As the below-mentioned students were not able to obtain enough credits to continue their studies at the next level, they will repeat the corresponding levels from 2023-2024 A.Y. FIRST LEVEL (BM-PY) First level (BM+PY) repeatDownload SECOND LEVEL (SE-AD-BM) Second level (SE-AD-BM) repeatDownload THIRD LEVEL (SE-AD) Third level (SE-AD) repeatDownload

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3rd phase ADMISSION is OPEN for Business Administration – Management

📣DEAR APPLICANTS!Registration for the third phase of the entrance exams ("Business Administration - Management") at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is OPEN! ❗️Registration deadline is August 23.✍️Third entrance exam date is August 26. 📞71-246-80-51; 71-246-80-52 APPLY NOW

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Read more about the article Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent announces a competition for the vacant positions of teaching professors for the academic year 2023/2024:
Job Application Hiring Employment Digital Tablet Browsing Concept

Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent announces a competition for the vacant positions of teaching professors for the academic year 2023/2024:

I.  Department of “Automatic Control and Computer” in the following subjects: 1. Applied electronics and measurement (5 credits) 2. Software Project Management (6 credits) 3. Software quality assurance (6 credits) 4. Software Architecture (6 credits) 5. Basics of cybersecurity (6 credits) 6. Software for Sustainable Development (6 credits) 7. Digitalization (Digital Business Platforms) (6 credits) 8. Human-computer interaction (8 credits)   9. Data Mining (6 credits) 10. Mobile Apps (Native and Web) (6 credits) 11. Game development (6 credits) 12. Fundamentals of Technological Change (6 credits) 13. Enterprise Data Management (6 credits) II. Department of “Architecture and Construction” in the following…

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Taking into account the increase in wages and utility bills, according to the minutes of the meeting of the members of the Board of Trustees of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, from the 2023/2024 academic year in educational fields:*️⃣Software engineering*️⃣Architecture and designthe contract fee for one academic year for all levels (2nd, 3rd and 4th year) was set at 22 000 000 (twenty-two million) soums.

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