ADMISSION 2020-2021

The list of applicants participating in ADMISSION test on May 22nd  (If you have already registered and couldn't find your name on the list below, it is due to not completing the second step. You will have a chance to take the admission test in July. Your application is still considered active.)     Remote Admission Test (TIL) instructions  To participate in the admission test, the student must have the following appropriate means: Personal computer/Laptop(Notebook) Windows 10 or Mac, equipped with a webcam Browser (for example Opera, Chrome, Firefox etc.) Network connection suitable for a video conference In addition, it…

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Answers to TTPU students’ frequently asked questions

Dear students! Today, the world's attention is focused on the campaign against COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and the scientists of the whole world community are mobilizing their intellectual potential to prevent and stop the spread of this disease. So, our government under the leadership of our President Sh. Mirziyoyev, is taking all necessary measurements and fully in fights against COVID-19 pandemic. The present situation in Uzbekistan has been the cause of establishing quarantine for our people to be safe and healthy being at home. Taking into account these circumstances, all necessary arrangements concerning distance learning have been put in place by…

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DUBAI 2020 EXPO Results of the 1st stage of the competition of innovative start-up projects and ideas

In February of this year, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announced a Republican competition of startup projects in 9 directions. According to the results of the competition, more than 100 projects were received in the following areas: - Automotive and mechanical engineering - 25 projects; - Energy - 5 projects; - Information technology - 18 projects; - Architecture and construction - 12 projects; - Agriculture - 27 projects; - Light industry - 8 projects; - Medicine and pharmaceuticals - 8 projects; - Sports and physical education - 3 projects:   According to the results of the competition, 33 projects…

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Visit of representatives of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications

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On the 13th of February of this year, representatives of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mohammed al-Khwarizmi visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the visit, a meeting of representatives with 3rd year university students was organized. The introductory speech was started by the rector of the University, Salomov U., introducing the representatives to students and the purpose of their visit, which was informing students about the opening of a special faculty at the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after…

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International project on modernization of the faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics”

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In order to improve the quality of educational and scientific work, learning and apply the experience of foreign countries, in particular European countries, in the educational process, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent carries out many actions. The international project "MechaUZ: Modernization of the faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics” for Bachelor degree in Uzbekistan through Innovative Ideas and Digital Technology" is also an activity carried out by the university in accordance with the grant agreement 609564-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA2-SBHE-JP of the European Union program Erasmus +. The project for preparing a high qualified personnel in the bachelor's degree faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics” of higher educational…

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International ICT exhibition and conference “IndiaSoft-2020” and “GlobalSoft-2020”

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On March 3-4 of this year, the international conference and exhibition IndiaSoft-2020 and GlobalSoft-2020 were held in Hyderabad, India. The conference was participated by more than 200 IT companies from different countries. They presented and shared the latest technological innovations and experiences in the field of information technology according to their activities to the delegates from more than 60 countries. Among participants from these countries, 19 delegates from Uzbekistan participated in these occasions, among which were representatives from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent: Professor Muslimlimbek Pirnazarov, student Jamshid Ergashov and  university graduates working in their specialty Zohid Akbarov, Sukhrob Shakirov…

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Second trip by “Unlock Tours” program

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On the 10th of March of this year, Unlock Tours program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent organized the next trip to the largest factory of Artel company, producing the household appliances. 45 students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, who passed through a selection among more than 110 people, had the opportunity to visit Artel factory and get acquainted with one of its largest sectors - the section of thermoplastic household appliances production and section of washing machines’ and refrigerators’ assembly. The guides and the administration of the plant explained the details of the conveyor process, the principles of…

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Competition “Among Girls -2020”

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Women and girls are compared with spring and spring with them. Beauty, elegance, renewal are combined in the concepts of spring and woman. The role of women in the family is priceless. Wise, beautiful women with their care, kindness and sincerity keep calm in the family and in society as a whole and also create an atmosphere of purity, honesty, sincerity and justice. Increasing the socio-political activity of women in the country, increasing their spiritual and intellectual potential, strengthening their health, protecting families, motherhood and childhood are the policies of our state. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in order to…

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Ten Central Asia universities are being trained at University of Santiago de Compostela in Big Data within the framework of an international project

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At the opening event of ELBA, endowed with one million euros for its execution, USC rector Antonio López Díaz held a meeting with counterparts from these institutions. Santiago, February 27th, 2020. The ETSE Engineering College hosted on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th the kick-off meeting of the project ‘Establishment of training and research centres and course development on Intelligent Big Data Analytics in Central Asia’ (ELBA). In this capacity-building project, which will coordinate the USC through the Vice- Rectorship of Students and Internationalization and the CiTIUS, other institutions in Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Italy and Slovenia are also involved. This…

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has established partnerships with the University of Hiroshima and Balcom company in Japan.

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent has established partnerships with the University of Hiroshima and Balcom company in Japan. In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated on December 28, 2019 No. DP-4553 “On Measures to Further Expand and Strengthen Bilateral Cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Japan,” Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, U. Salomov and Head of the Department of International Relations in the university, J. Abdujalilov, visited the city of Hiroshima, Japan. On the 19th of February of this year, the meeting with the president of Hiroshima University Mitsuo…

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There is no place for extremism and terrorism in Islam!

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In our country, large-scale efforts are being made to preserve the purity of our sacred religion, to create new mosques and madrassas and to study the scientific heritage of great philosophers who have made a huge contribution to the development of Islamic culture. Unfortunately, nowadays, while there are forces that aimed to achieve their goals through various conflicts, actions that create conflicting situations will continue to be perceived. Even in the 21st century, when the ideological struggle escalates, peace and tranquility become a dream for many countries. An example of this can be the bloody conflict that took place in…

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Remembering the great poets …

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These days, events dedicated to the birthdays of two great ancestors of poetry: the founder of Uzbek classical literature, Hazrat Nizomiddin Mir Alisher Navoi and the great king and poet Zahiriddin Muhammed Babur - are widely celebrated in all educational institutions. In particular, on the 13th of February of this year, an evening of creativity took place at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent called “Remembering the Great Poets”. The event was attended by Afzal Rafikov, National artist of Uzbekistan, who contributed to the Uzbek dubbing for more than 1000 films. In addition, an event was attended by teachers and…

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А youth event in the Tashkent Botanical Garden

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On the 8th of February of this year, it was held a youth event in the Tashkent Botanical Garden. The event included masterclasses, performances, contests and exhibitions of all Tashkent high educational institutions. Students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent presented their robotic developments and technical projects like 3D-printer, Humanoid robot and an unmanned aerial vehicle. In addition, many young people interested in our university had the opportunity to receive information about university education, opportunities and entrance exams.

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“DUBAI EXPO – 2020” is waiting for you !!!

Competition of startup projects and ideas is announced! If you are young, creative and full of energy, then you have a chance to take part in the international exhibition “Dubai Expo - 2020” with your innovative ideas and projects. Take part in the competition of innovative start-up projects conducted by the “Business Incubator” of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent in the following areas: 1."Automotive and mechanical engineering"; 2."Energy"; 3."Information Technology"; 4."Architecture and construction"; 5."Agriculture"; 6."Light industry"; 7."Design"; 8."Medicine and pharmaceuticals"; 9."Sport and physical education" Each innovative project will be considered directly with the participation of the author of the…

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the joint-stock company «O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING” are conducting joint works.

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A branch of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aerospace Engineering of Turin Polytechnic University (TTPU) was established on the territory of the Design and Technology Center for Agricultural Machinery of the Tashkent Agricultural Mechanical engineering Plant of the “O’ZAGROTEXSANOATXOLDING” Joint-Stock Company. For lectures, practical and laboratory work, a room is allocated, equipped with desks, chairs, video projectors and demonstration materials. A list of more than 80 modern educational and scientific literature in the industry has been compiled and purchase orders have been placed. For 4-year students (40 students) studying at TPUT in the field of mechanical engineering technology, the…

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Family is the foundation of society  

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  Many people, especially women, mistakenly believe that the higher the cost of a party at weddings, family events and ceremonies, the better their relationship with the bride. The growth of the aforementioned negative consequences had a profound effect not only on the social status of thousands of families but also on their entire lives, as well as on the spiritual environment in our society. In order to eliminate these situations and strictly regulate weddings, family celebrations and ceremonies, stabilize the social and spiritual atmosphere in families, ensure social justice in society, and create a culture of salvation of the…

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The new book titled “GLASS from sand to glass-ceramics through the Silk Road”

Short annotation The new book titled “GLASS from sand to glass-ceramics through the Silk Road” has been issued a few weeks ago in Italy by CLUT publisher ( The book was co-authorized by professor  Massimo Tomalino from Politecnico di Torino along with professor Dilshat Tulyaganov from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. This is the second book of the authors while the first one titled “Porcelain from tableware to dental restoration has been issued by the same publisher in 2017. The first part of the book “GLASS from sand to glass-ceramics through the Silk Road” deals with the development of glass…

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New study program in space systems and communication engineering

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A research project related to an artificial earth satellite has begun at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Since November 15, 2019, the Turin Polytechnic University (TTPU) in collaboration with several international and local universities, within the framework of the European program Erasmus +, launched the project "New study program in space systems and communication engineering" - SPACECOM).     On November 20, all partner universities met at the Tashkent University of Information Technology (TUIT). European partners from Berlin Technical University (Germany) and EXOLAUNCH (Germany) participated also took part in the occasion. During the meeting, the main objectives and conditions…

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Photo report from the first republican competition from the GRBS team and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

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⠀ The competition results will be announced in 10 days at the official ceremony of GRBS and TTPU. ⠀ For additional questions, please come to our office or contact the numbers below: ⠀ Tashkent, Mirzo-Ulugbek district, Mustakillik Avenue, Buyuk Ipak Yuli street 2, GRBS international campus ⠀ 📞 +998 78 129 19 19 📲: +998 90 188 56 86 📬 📱 FB: 📱 Instagram: 📱 Telegram:

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