ERAMCA project

Start: 15-01-2020 - End: 14-01-2023 Project Reference: 609574-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP EU Grant: 801376 EUR Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Capacity Building in higher education   ERAMCA project introduces in the Partner Countries an interdisciplinary approach to the complex problem of environmental risk assessment and reduction on Cultural Heritage assets in Central Asia. The project starts with an investigation of the local needs in Partner Countries and transforms those requests into a curriculum of a Master (120 ECTS), a digital library where all the teaching materials (e.g. books, hypertexts, video, best practices) related…

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment for the implementation of the project “MechaUz: Modernization of Mechatronics and Robotics for Bachelor degree in Uzbekistan through Innovative Ideas and Digital Technology”

To implement the Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP-2909 of 20.04.2017, PP-3151 of 27.07.2017 and PP-3775 of 05.06.2018 Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent participated in a competition funded by the international Erasmus + program, with the project “MechaUz: Modernization of Mechatronics and Robotics for Bachelor degree  in Uzbekistan through Innovative Ideas and Digital Technology” In this regard, for the implementation of this project, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a tender for the purchase of laboratory equipment indicated in Table 1. №Name of equipmentUnitQuantity1Conveyor Equipment Simulator for Learning PLC ProgrammingPiece202PLC S7-1200 for educational purposesPiece33PLC S7-1200…

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!UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY! Getting accepted directly to the second year? You say it is IMPOSSIBLE. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent says POSSIBLE. Now you have a unique opportunity to graduate in THREE YEARS*. The University of Turin is the only university in Uzbekistan that provides such an opportunity for anyone who wishes to receive a technical European education. IN ADDITION, BLENDED LEARNING FOR ALL FIELDS OF STUDY OF THE TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IS OPENING THIS YEAR. DO NOT MISS YOUR CHANCE TO GET A HIGH-QUALITY EUROPEAN EDUCATION AND AT THE SAME TIME TO PURSUE YOUR CAREER. REGULATION ON ADMISSION – SECOND…


An innovative solution in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic from the specialists of Uzavtosanoat JSC and students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

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Today, during the coronavirus pandemic, the demand for high-quality medical care, especially for modern high-precision medical equipment, is growing worldwide. In turn, the demand for modern world-class medical equipment is growing in our country. In particular, the role of artificial lung ventilation (ALV) is very important in saving the lives of critically ill patients. Therefore, during the coronavirus pandemic, Uzbekistan regularly purchases ALV equipment and test systems from foreign countries. Such medical equipment purchased abroad requires enormous financial expences. In particular, the Asian Development Bank and the World Bank allocated $ 30 million for the purchase of ALV equipment. At…

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Dear Applicants, Admission for the 2020-2021 academic year     Please pay close attention to this official announcement! Based on the results of the Entrance Exam on May 22, the applicants were divided into 4 categories: 1st category: Those who scored 0.00 points or less are accepted for the Preparatory year (= First Year). Tuition fee for 1 academic year (only for the first year) for applicants in this category is 42 750 000 (forty-two million seven hundred fifty thousand) UZS. The deadline for providing IELTS certificate (minimum 5.5 points) is the end of the academic year. The number of…

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Happy Holy Ramadan Eid!

Dear compatriots! On behalf of the team of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, we sincerely congratulate you all on the holiday of kindness, graciousness and generosity – The Holy Ramadan Eid. May Allah open the doors of happiness and prosperity for our prayers in this Holy Month. May Allah accept our prayers’ good deeds and sacrifices and shower us with holy blessings. On this beautiful and glorious occasion, let us wish to all Muslims of our country joy and love to their hearts, all the opportunities and success. May Allah enrich our lives with happiness, peace and prosperity. With sincere…

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The list of applicants participating in ADMISSION test on May 22nd  (If you have already registered and couldn't find your name on the list below, it is due to not completing the second step. You will have a chance to take the admission test in July. Your application is still considered active. Please read the instructions below in order to be ready to ADMISSION test in July.)     Remote Admission Test (TIL) instructions  To participate in the admission test, the student must have the following appropriate means: Personal computer/Laptop(Notebook) Windows 10 or Mac, equipped with a webcam Browser (for…


Dear Compatriots!

The administration of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent sincerely congratulates you on Remembrance and Honor Day, the Day of Great Victory! The foundation of state and social life in our country are PEACE and FREEDOM, that were generously presented to post-war generations by our ancestors who traversed the hard paths of a brutal and arduous war. Decades have been passing, generations have been changing, but the Great Victory remains in our hearts as a symbol of the national pride, military glory and valor of our people. The ranks of veterans are declining, but their names and the courage they displayed…

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Туринский политехнический университет в г. Ташкенте протянул руку помощи пострадавшим в Сырдарьинской области.

Чрезвычайное проишествие на Сардобинском водохранилище в Сырдарьинской области потряс каждого из нас и не оставил никого равнодушным. По возможности, каждый протянул руку помощи. В частности, 2 мая текущего года команда нашего университета оказала моральную и материальную поддежку пострадавшему населению, эвакуинованному в Гулистанский строительный колледж. В связи с этим, старший преподаватель гуманитарно-экономических дисциплин Томчани Людмила Владимировна, принявшая участие в благотворительном визите, поделилась с нами своими впечатлениями: " Мы привыкли с вами жаловаться на жизнь. Особенно сейчас мы часто слышим вокруг: надоело сидеть дома, плохой интернет, высокие цены в магазине. Но вчера я побывала там, где даже мысли о тех, кто это…

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ADMISSION 2020-2021

The list of applicants participating in ADMISSION test on May 22nd  (If you have already registered and couldn't find your name on the list below, it is due to not completing the second step. You will have a chance to take the admission test in July. Your application is still considered active.)     Remote Admission Test (TIL) instructions  To participate in the admission test, the student must have the following appropriate means: Personal computer/Laptop(Notebook) Windows 10 or Mac, equipped with a webcam Browser (for example Opera, Chrome, Firefox etc.) Network connection suitable for a video conference In addition, it…

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ADMISSION 2020-2021

REGULATION ON ADMISSION AND DEADLINES OF SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS FOR BACHELOR OF SCIENCE STUDY PROGRAMS IN TURIN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY IN TASH-KENT (TTPU) FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2020/2021 1.1. FOREGROUND This Regulation is a set of rules and requirements for the admission of students to the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs offered by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU). Admission For the 2020/2021 academic year, at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (TTPU), the admission quota for the Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) programs, for each faculty is: Name of faculty Number of seats Mechanical Engineering 200 Automotive Engineering 200 Information Technologies and…

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Answers to TTPU students’ frequently asked questions

Dear students! Today, the world's attention is focused on the campaign against COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and the scientists of the whole world community are mobilizing their intellectual potential to prevent and stop the spread of this disease. So, our government under the leadership of our President Sh. Mirziyoyev, is taking all necessary measurements and fully in fights against COVID-19 pandemic. The present situation in Uzbekistan has been the cause of establishing quarantine for our people to be safe and healthy being at home. Taking into account these circumstances, all necessary arrangements concerning distance learning have been put in place by…

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For the purpose of effectively fighting against the coronavirus COVID-19 and preventing the spread of the disease in our republic, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announces a contest of ideas!   Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent gives you an opportunity of participating in the competition with your innovative ideas and projects. You can give ideas and suggestions in the following areas: The role of the media (television, radio, social networks, etc.) in the effective organization of leisure activities of citizens during quarantine; Measures on the remote organization of work, teaching and studying during quarantine for employees (mainly the service sector),…

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DUBAI 2020 EXPO Results of the 1st stage of the competition of innovative start-up projects and ideas

In February of this year, the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent announced a Republican competition of startup projects in 9 directions. According to the results of the competition, more than 100 projects were received in the following areas: - Automotive and mechanical engineering - 25 projects; - Energy - 5 projects; - Information technology - 18 projects; - Architecture and construction - 12 projects; - Agriculture - 27 projects; - Light industry - 8 projects; - Medicine and pharmaceuticals - 8 projects; - Sports and physical education - 3 projects:   According to the results of the competition, 33 projects…

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Visit of representatives of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications

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On the 13th of February of this year, representatives of the Military Institute of Information and Communication Technologies and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mohammed al-Khwarizmi visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the visit, a meeting of representatives with 3rd year university students was organized. The introductory speech was started by the rector of the University, Salomov U., introducing the representatives to students and the purpose of their visit, which was informing students about the opening of a special faculty at the Tashkent University of Information Technology named after…

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International project on modernization of the faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics”

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In order to improve the quality of educational and scientific work, learning and apply the experience of foreign countries, in particular European countries, in the educational process, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent carries out many actions. The international project "MechaUZ: Modernization of the faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics” for Bachelor degree in Uzbekistan through Innovative Ideas and Digital Technology" is also an activity carried out by the university in accordance with the grant agreement 609564-EPP-1-2019-1-EL-EPPKA2-SBHE-JP of the European Union program Erasmus +. The project for preparing a high qualified personnel in the bachelor's degree faculty “Mechatronics and Robotics” of higher educational…

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International ICT exhibition and conference “IndiaSoft-2020” and “GlobalSoft-2020”

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On March 3-4 of this year, the international conference and exhibition IndiaSoft-2020 and GlobalSoft-2020 were held in Hyderabad, India. The conference was participated by more than 200 IT companies from different countries. They presented and shared the latest technological innovations and experiences in the field of information technology according to their activities to the delegates from more than 60 countries. Among participants from these countries, 19 delegates from Uzbekistan participated in these occasions, among which were representatives from Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent: Professor Muslimlimbek Pirnazarov, student Jamshid Ergashov and  university graduates working in their specialty Zohid Akbarov, Sukhrob Shakirov…

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Second trip by “Unlock Tours” program

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On the 10th of March of this year, Unlock Tours program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent organized the next trip to the largest factory of Artel company, producing the household appliances. 45 students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, who passed through a selection among more than 110 people, had the opportunity to visit Artel factory and get acquainted with one of its largest sectors - the section of thermoplastic household appliances production and section of washing machines’ and refrigerators’ assembly. The guides and the administration of the plant explained the details of the conveyor process, the principles of…

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Competition “Among Girls -2020”

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Women and girls are compared with spring and spring with them. Beauty, elegance, renewal are combined in the concepts of spring and woman. The role of women in the family is priceless. Wise, beautiful women with their care, kindness and sincerity keep calm in the family and in society as a whole and also create an atmosphere of purity, honesty, sincerity and justice. Increasing the socio-political activity of women in the country, increasing their spiritual and intellectual potential, strengthening their health, protecting families, motherhood and childhood are the policies of our state. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, in order to…

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