On the defence of Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich’s Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation in technical sciences

On the topic "Validation of the automobile engine life of cycle in a hydrogen-gasoline fuelled engine" Sharipov Alisher Kalbayevich 05.08.06 - in the specialty "Wheeled and tracked machines and their use" (technical sciences). The defense of the thesis written for obtaining the scientific degree (PhD) will be held at the meeting of the Scientific Council numbered PhD.22/01.02.2022.T.144.01 at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on July 5, 2024 at 15:00 o’clock. Address: 100174, Tashkent city, Almazor district, Kichik Khalka yuli 17. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent city. Phone: (99871) 246-80-51; e-mail: info@turin.uz;

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Cooperation has been established between TTPU and the China-SCO Institute of Economics and Trade

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On June 15 of this year, a delegation led by the rector of China-Sco Institute of Economy and Trade of the People's Republic of China, Zheng Shi, visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the visit, TTPU rector O. Tuychiev organized a tour of the university for members of the delegation and introduced them in detail to the educational and scientific activities of the university. During the meeting held as part of this visit, issues of expanding bilateral cooperation were discussed, in particular, student exchange, advanced training of specialists, and organization of Chinese language courses for students. The two…

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Examinations of the special commission on the results of the internship of graduates of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent were held

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As is well known, to enhance the quality of personnel in the higher education system, a key aspect of education has become the further consolidation of students' theoretical knowledge, its application in practice, and the preparation of qualified, mature specialists ready for the engineering industry. From June 11 to June 13 of this year, examinations of the special commission on the results of the internship of graduates of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent were held. Experts participating in these exams included faculty members from the university, as well as several qualified staff from the Ministry of Construction and Housing…

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“FUTURE YOUNG ENGINEERS 2024” olympiad on 3D modeling in automotive industry was held

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"FUTURE YOUNG ENGINEERS 2024" olympiad on 3D modeling in automotive industry, was organized by Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering" at Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent. 30 participants, consisting of students of mechanical engineering, architecture and construction, and various universities in Uzbekistan took part in this olympiad. They competed in SolidWorks and NX Siemens programs.

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