Working visit of the rector of TTPU to Italy

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In order to study the experience of quality assurance at the level of higher education in the Republic of Italy, including doctoral studies, to establish comprehensive cooperation and reach an agreement relations between the universities of the two countries in the fields of science and education, rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjayev will leave to Italy on a business trip, as part of the delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan from November 16 to November 23, 2022.

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Yashil makon” (“Green space”): “Urgent 40 days” events have started at TTPU

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Currently, the national project "Green Space" is being consistently implemented at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the "Urgent 40 days" event, which was announced within the framework of this project, work on planting seedlings and creating green spaces was started. More than 100 seedlings of ornamental trees and shrubs were planted on the territory of the university. These planted seedlings will now be fed with mineral and organic substances, protecting them from pests Within the framework of the "Urgent 40 days" event, every employee of the university approaches the greening works in a cooperative and upbeat mood.

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Enlightenment against ignorance

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On November 4, 2022, an event called “Enlightenment against ignorance” was held at the Conference Hall of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The event was opened by the rector of the University J.Sh.Inoyatkhodjaev, emphasizing the reforms carried out in our country today, the conditions and opportunities created for young people, the need to properly approach education and upbringing, and gave a speech to J.V Melikoziev, the representative of the Сommittee of Religious Affairs Cabinet of Ministers Republic of Uzbekistan. In his speech J.V.Melikoziev gave a lecture on such topical issues as reforms in the socio-economic, religious sphere carried out…

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The university stage of the Republican contest “Student of the Year” was held at TTPU

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On November 1, 2022, the university stage of the "Student of the Year - 2022" contest was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. First, university rector J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjaev spoke about holding the traditional “Student of the Year" Republican contest among students at a high-level, the purpose and importance of this event and wished good luck to all the participants. Then, the talented students of the university participating in the competition in different nominations made interesting presentations about their work, achievements and ideas. The members of the jury expressed their opinions on the students' presentations and made suggestions and…

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Juventus Academy in Tashkent sent its first team to the tournament

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The "Antalya Friendship Cup" international football tournament among children has been started in Antalya, Turkey.More than 30 teams from 20 countries are expected to participate in this tournament, which is held from October 30 to November 4.For the first time, the under-12 team of the Juventus football academy in Tashkent also flew to Antalya to participate in this tournament.

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Initiation ceremony – 2022

On October 27, 2022, a cultutal-educational event was held dedicated to “Initiation ceremony” to TTPU freshmen, admitted in 2022-2023 academic year and “October 21- the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the State Language". First, the event was opened with the anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan. After that, the rector of the university Inoyatkhodjaev Jamshid Shuhratullaevich made a speech and said that the university will provide the necessary conditions for the students to become leading specialists in the future. During the annual event, students take their oaths to dedicate all their activities for our motherland…

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The radio broadcast was started at TTPU

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On October 21, 2022, on the occasion of the Uzbek language holiday, by the initiative of university students the first edition of the radio broadcast "Nazm va navo" was launched at TTPU.During the broadcast, our great figures who contributed to the history of the Uzbek language, Alisher Navoi's "Muhokamat-ul-lughatayn", Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur's "Baburnoma", Muhammad Salih's "Shaybaniynoma", Gulkhani's "Zarbulmasal", Fazli's "Majmuatush" Shuaro", as well as examples of contemporary Uzbek literary masterpieces (poems and ghazals) were read expressively by students and mentors. Also, the head of the music club, Mansur Saparbaev, performed Uzbek classics songs and a song dedicated to the university.In…

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TTPU participates in “”

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As it was previously mentioned, on October 17-21, the Ministry of Innovative Development and the National Office of Innovation are holding the one of the most innovative event of the year - "" Week of Innovative Ideas.The purpose of the exhibition is to create a reliable platform for local and foreign representatives to display and promote the most advanced innovative technologies, products, projects, prototypes and models for various business lines. Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent traditionally takes an active part in this week every year. In this event, the university participates with more than 10 projects related to mechanical engineering,…

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A student of Turin was selected for the national team of Uzbekistan

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According to the official telegram channel of the Motorsport Federation “National Automobile Club of Uzbekistan (”, for the first time in history, the Uzbek motorsport team takes part in competitions at the international level FIA Motorsport Games 2022. Sabina Atajanova, a 4-year student of "Mechanical Engineering" of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent will take part in one of 6 disciplines in the Auto Slalom. One of 10 new disciplines for the second edition of the FIA Motorsport Games, Auto Slalom will feature a total of 26 nations competing on a bespoke course at Circuit Paul Ricard – all with…

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The annual Alumni forum was held at TTPU on 15thof October 2022.The Forum was organized in collaboration with Politecnico di Torino, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and Uzbekistan Youth Association in Italy. The main purpose of the forum was to build a bridge between the students, alumni and professors of the universities. Participants if the forum held open discussion about achievements of alumni, the role of the university in their life, ways to achieve their goals, life and study in Italy, as well as many other related topics. Rector of TTPU, DSc Inoyatkhodjaev J.Sh made a welcoming speech. Italian professors…

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“Tashkent – a sustainable city” seminar was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

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A seminar on the topic: “TASHKENT- SUSTAINABLE CITY” (Tashkent is a sustainable city) was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent with the assistance of the Italian Embassy in Uzbekistan. The purpose of the seminar is to provide an opportunity to learn about the Italian experience in the field of designing and finding solutions for mobility, following the scenario of a sustainable city, in the context of the current process of dynamic urbanization. Transport and pedestrian logistics in the modern city were also discussed. The speakers shared their knowledge and discussed issues related to architectural and engineering solutions, urban logistics and innovative technologies…

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   On September 26, 2022, a delegation of Balcon Co Ltd (Japan) headed by the president of the company - Tetsuro Yamasaka visited Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent to discuss cooperation issues. The main issue on the meeting is the establishment of an educational center under TTPU, the main purpose of which is to teach students japanese language, culture and production skills, as well as to ensure the continuation of work activities in prestigious Japanese companies in the future. At the same time, Hiroshima University, TTPU and Balcom Co. Ltd. will launch a tripartite partnership for TTPU's talented students to study…


World champion begins his university studies

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Uzbek chess player, international grandmaster, world champion in rapid chess, winner of the 44th Chess Olympics as part of the national team of Uzbekistan, winner of the medal "Pride of Uzbekistan" - Nodirbek Abdusattorov begins his studies at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, majoring in Business Administration - Management. Welcoming the champion and his father Fazliddin Ochilov, the Rector of the Turin Polytechnic University J.S. Inoyakhodjaev once again congratulated the national team of Uzbekistan with the historic victory at the 44th World Chess Olympiad and emphasized Nodirbek's invaluable contribution to this victory. During the meeting the chess player shared…

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Training and research centers (labs) in the framework of the ERASMUS PLUS projects at TTPU

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Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent hosted a project management meeting in the framework of Erasmus Plus ELBA project "Establishment of Training and Research Centers and Courses Development on Intelligent Big Data Analysis in Central Asia - ELBA" between September 19-21. The meeting was chaired by the project coordinator Dr. Sami Ashоur. The project progress and the future plans were discussed by the European partners (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Politecnico di Torino, Italy, University of Primorska, Slovenia) and Central Asian partners (Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent, Tashkent State Transport University, Bukhara engineering technological institute, Urgench state university, A.Baytursynov Kostanay…

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Official Opening Ceremony of the ERASMUS+ ELBA Training & Research Center

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Establishment of training and research centers and Courses development on Intelligent BigData Analysis in CA / ELBA Tuesday ‐ September 20, 2022 Location: Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan Watch live at: On September 20, 2022, the Official Opening Ceremony of the ERASMUS+ ELBA project’s laboratory is to be held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Erasmus+ national office in Uzbekistan, Rector of TTPU, as well as other academic and research institutions will give their welcoming speeches. This event will be part of the management meeting of the Erasmus+ELBA project "Establishment of…

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Discipline is the key to success

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On September 14th, a meeting was held between the students in the dormitory and the university administration. The meeting was attended by the rector J.Sh. Inoyathodjaev, the first vice-rector A. Ashurov, the head of the department of work with youth G.A. Allamova, the adviser to the rector on women and family issues F. Nabikhanova, adviser of rector Boymatov N., tutors of the academic group and residents of the university dormitory. At the meeting, students were informed in detail about the internal rules of the dormitory, and strict adherence to them was determined. It was emphasized that the student should take…

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Employees of TTPU won the scholarship contest of the «El-Yurt Umidi» Foundation

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Employees of “Civil Engineering and Architecture” department of Turin polytechnic University in Tashkent Abdurakhim Nabijonov and Mukhammad-Bobur Zokhidov won the scholarship contest of the «El-Yurt Umidi» Foundation for the MASTER'S education program. “I was born in a family of teachers. I am very grateful to my father, who was my first teacher through my way in science and technology. We were used to discuss scientific topics since I was very young and hard to perceive the scientific terminology. But always he tried to define every single keywords, even small details and interesting points. After graduating from Turin Polytechnic university in…

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A license for new educational disciplines was obtained

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent got a license from the State Inspectorate for Supervision of Quality in Education under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to provide training in the following new educational disciplines from the 2022-2023 academic year:For bachelor degree: Business administration (Management)Industrial manufacturing technologies For Master’s degree: Restoration and Conservation of Historical MonumentsInformation and Communication Engineering

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A memorandum on the development of green energy was signed

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In the process of globalization, due to the increasing demand for energy and constantly rising energy prices, it is necessary to develop a “green” energy sector using modern, clean and renewable energy. In order to develop the green energy, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent signed a memorandum of cooperation with “Solar Nature” company

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