Protecting the motherland is the everyone’s duty

In order properly celebrate the Day of Defenders of the motherland widely as a national holiday, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan,  despite the winter vacation at the university, on January 12, an online event was held on the topic "Protecting the Motherland, Everyone's Duty".   Colonel Hotamov Shuhrat Nasirovich, an employee of the Public Security University of the Republic of Uzbekistan, associate professor of the socio-humanitarian department, visited the event as a guest. Also, the first vice-rector of the university A. Ashurov, the head of department of work with youth…

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A solar power station with a capacity of 30 kW was put into operation at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

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In November 2022, a solar photovoltaic station with a capacity of 30 kW was put into operation on the territory of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, which provides electricity to the sports complex on the campus of the university. During his address to Parliament and the people on 20 December 2022, the President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of the efficient use of energy resources in the country. The President of Uzbekistan noted the importance of the efficient use of energy resources in the country, calling on state organizations, large industrial facilities and households to rapidly introduce renewable energy…

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Erasmus+ Capacity Building of Higher Education (CBHE) “Multidisciplinary Skills for Artists’ Entrepreneurship (MUSAE) project

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Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, State Conservatory of Uzbekistan and National Institute of Fine Arts and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod jointly launched “Entrepreneurship skills in Art, Music and Creativity” course on the basis of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building of Higher Education (CBHE) “Multidisciplinary Skills for Artists' Entrepreneurship (MUSAE) project”. Under this program, four different teams were created which includes 18 students in total from each university and institute. Each team works on the course teamwork that is focused on Art, Music and Creativity and develops their own business model as the final project work. After successful completion of the…

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Visit to the “Memorial of Repression’s Victims” museum

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In order to spend their free time usefully, students of the Turin Polytechnic University of Tashkent, visited the Museum "Memorial of Repression Victims" under the leadership of the academic group tutor Eshonkulov Mirshod. During the visit, the students got acquainted with the life, work, and scientific activities of our great enlightened ancestors, such as Abdulla Qadiri, Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Abdulla Avloni, Abdurauf Fitrat, Abdulhamid Cholpon, who sacrificed their lives for the sake of the independence of our country, the preservation of our nation's pride, its values, and rich spirituality. Each section of the museum is enriched with historical sources presented by…

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Music club for development of instrumental and musical performance of the university students

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To permorm the first of 5 initiatives by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M.Mirziyoyev to increase the interest of young people in music, painting, literature, theater and other types of art, to reveal their talents, a music and national musical instruments club is organized at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The role of this club is incomparable to develop the abilities of students and young people in the university, to acquire knowledge and form them as high moral personalities, comprehensively prepare them for life, enhance the scientific and creative potential of high moral, independently thinking talented young…

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Book Lovers Club was opened at TTPU

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On December 20, 2022, a cultural and educational event dedicated to the symbolic opening of the Book lovers club was held in the library of Turin Polytechnic university in Tashkent. The evening was attended by book-loving students, teachers and guest - the winner of the "Shuhrat" medal, the head of the department of literary promotion and organization of events, a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan Farogat Musurmonovna Khudoykulova. Ashurov Alisher Mavlonovich, the first vice-rector for work with youth, opened the cultural-educational event and congratulated the members of the club on this important date, and emphasized the importance of…

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The negative consequences of virtual games based on cybercrime and risk

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On December 20, 2022, an event named "Cybercrime and the negative consequences of risky virtual games" was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.It was attended by cyber security Department representatives of Internal Affairs for combating crimes in the sphere of information technology captain Sh.E.Mamatkulov, B.M.Atakulov and B.Sh.Khudoyberdiev. The issues of negative consequences of risk-oriented virtual games in online casinos 1xBet, Mostnet and other bookmaker companies through the network were discussed. The event was opened by the first vice-rector of the university A.Ashurov, who noticed that, as information and communication technologies develop, along with the use of their benefits and…

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“We are against violence!” a spiritual and educational event was held at TPUT

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Extensive work is being carried out in our country to strengthen the legal framework for the protection of women's rights. In particular, the adoption of the Laws “On guarantees of equal rights and opportunities for women and men" and "On protection of women against harassment and violence" have protected the rights and interests of thousands of women, further strengthening their position in society. On  December 15, 2022, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent held a spiritual and educational event named "We are against violence!" as part of the "16 days against violence" campaign.          At the event, senior inspector of the…

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Discussions with Korean experts were held

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On December 12, 2022, professors of South Korean Industrial Technology (KITECH) institute prof. Dr. Bum Sung Kim, Dr. Boksang Lee visited TTPU. At the meeting, the director of the Institute of Materials Science Academy of Science of the Republic of Uzbekistan prof. Parpiev O.R. led by the scientific team, representatives of "Alyans Kapital" Investment Company, professors and teachers of TTPU took part.The first vice-rector of university A.Ashurov welcomed the guests and introduced them to the university's information resource center, technopark and mechatronics centers.Within the framework of the meeting, experts discussed the chemistry and technology of metals and materials, prospects of…

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Opening of the Caterpillar training center at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

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On December 12, 2022, Zeppelin Central Asia Machinery LLC, the official dealer of CAT@ special machinery in Uzbekistan, and Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent signed a Memorandum of Mutually Beneficial Partnership. This memorandum is aimed at strengthening long-term mutually beneficial partnership in the field of education and scientific research, as well as opening of Caterpillar training center on the basis of the university. This training center is designated for students and employees of the enterprises to train the skills of operation on a grader simulator of one of the world's largest manufacturers. Apart of that scientific and methodical seminars, guest…

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Tutors are visiting the students’ rented apartments

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Academic groups tutors of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent are visiting the rented apartments where students live, in order to study their living conditions and readiness for the winter season. During the visit, tutors are talking to the owners of the apartments, as well as necessary recommendations are given regarding the prevention of carbon monoxide poisoning and the safety of the equipment.

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A festive event dedicated to the Constitution Day was held

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The Constitution is a set of laws that defines the perspective of our tomorrow. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the Constitution deeply and comprehensively, which is the criterion of the life of our society, realize its meaning and turn it into a permanent guide of our practical life. A festive event was organized on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, under the theme "Youth - the treasure of our future". Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector of the university, opened the "December…

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A seminar was held dedicated to the Worlds AIDS Day.

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A seminar dedicated to "December 1- Worlds AIDS Day" was organized for students of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. D.Narimonova, Head of Department of Red Cross and Crescent Movement of Uzbekistan, H.Akhmedova, Executive Director of Olmazor district, V.Abdullaeva, doctor of inter-district dispensary for skin-genital diseases, A.Tajiddinova and F.Jabborova district Sanitary epidemiological and public health service pecialists took part in the seminar. The meeting was opened by the head of the university spirituality and enlightenment department Allamova G.A., who talked about the purpose and importance of holding such events, and introduced the guests.Speaking at the meeting, Kh. Akhmedova gave a…

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Roundtable discussions were held on the topic of crime prevention

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Under the leadership of Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, roundtable discussions were held among university employees, academic staff and students on the topics of increasing students' legal knowledge, early prevention of crime. At the meetings held with the students, the head of the university's department for working with youth, G. A. Allamova, senior inspector of prevention, lieutenant colonel Yusupov Sh. and tutor of academic groups Sattiev F.O. participated. During the discussion, the students were informed that regardless of their age and social background, they will be held legally responsible for any crimes and…

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Сlosing ceremony of the educational project Huawei “Seeds for the future” was held in Tashkent

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On November 23, the closing ceremony of "Seeds for the Future 2022" was held, which for the eighth time brought together students of universities of Uzbekistan to improve knowledge and skills in the field of IT From November 14th to 21th, students from seven universities in Uzbekistan took part in the annual Huawei Seeds for the Future 2022 training program, aimed at studying advanced technologies and the impact of digital solutions on the sustainable development of the world. Within eight days, lectures, master classes, open discussions with international experts from Huawei, as well as experts from partner organizations were organized.…

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A number of agreements were reached during the visit to Italy

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As reported, rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent J.Sh. Inoyatkhodjaev is currently on a business trip in Italy as a part of Uzbek delegation to establish comprehensive cooperation and reach agreements on the implementation of personnel training, retraining system by using the most modern technologies implemented in developed countries in the automotive industry and other industries. In particular, in cooperation with the Turin Polytechnic University in Italy, an agreement was reached on the preparation of personnel with technical skills in digital technologies, advanced automation, “economical production” in the direction of dual education “industrial production technologies” on the basis of…

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Google developers student club was opened at TTPU

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The Google developers student club helps to exchange experience in the field of programming and develop not only theoretical but also practical knowledge, and it also started its activity at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The main goal of the club is to help students exchange technology and startup ideas, find solutions to local and global problems using Google technologies, and is open to all students who are interested in growing as a developer. At the event, GDG organizer, leader and android developer Azamat Majidov, Nuruddin Iminohunov, and GDSC leaders of prestigious higher education institutions of our country made a…

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Another meeting in the dormitory

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In the TTPU dormitory a meeting of students and administration was held, where such issues as preparation for the autumn-winter season, fire and technical safety and ensure of public order were discussed. At the meeting, the students were explained the rules of fire safety, goals and objectives of fire prevention measures, the causes of a fire, emergency actions, fire extinguishing means, detailed information was given on the situations that should be paid attention to in case of fire.

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Biomedical engineering will be modernized in cooperation with Italian universities

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Within the framework of the project "Strengthening the Material and Technical Base of Higher Education Institutions" financed by the World Bank in the Republic of Uzbekistan and in order to develop cooperation programs with the Higher Educational Institutions of the Republic of Italy, the working group headed by the Deputy Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education for Science and Innovation R. Hakimov is in Italy. A meeting with representatives of the Interuniversity Research Center for Sustainable Development (CIRPS) was held yesterday in Rome. There were discussed the issue of establishing a "technological park for service and repair of medical…

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A festive event was held at TTPU

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On November 17, a festive event was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent on the occasion of "International Students' Day" and "November 18 - the Day of Adoption of the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan".The event was opened by Alisher Ashurov, the first vice-rector of the university, who congratulated the students on these holidays and wished them success in their further work. An award ceremony was held for students who actively participated in the "Student of the Year-2022" competition.Musical performances by a member of the University Music club Shahrukh Hasanov, and its leader Mansur Saparbaev, gave…

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