World Cup in Turin.

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On May 16, 2022, a meeting with the legendary defender of Milan football club - Christian Zaccardo and young players - pupils of the “Juventus” football academy was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The meeting was also attended by Donato Albanese - manager of AC MILAN and Massimiliano Alesi - head of the Uzbek joint venture BMB-OPERA ZAFFERANO. The main purpose of the visit is to communicate with young players, hold a master class for them, answer their questions and get acquainted with the conditions created at the Juventus Academy.The meeting made an unforgettable impression on the…

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On May 13, the first entrance exam for 2022/2023 academic year was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

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The applicants have taken an exam for the following tracks “Mechanical engineering”, “Automotive engineering”, “Сivil engineering", Software engineering”, "Computer engineering”, “Architecture and design”. Knowledge of the applicants were evaluated by a set of online tests with multiple-choice questions, which consisted of the following questions: Mathematics: 18 questions (time: 40 minutes) Comprehension: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes) Logic: 6 questions (time: 12 minutes) Physics: 12 questions (time: 26 minutes) Professors from Politecnico di Torino (Italy) participated in the exam to control the transparent  examination process. Parents also were able to observe the exam online and had opportunity to get detailed answers to…

Continue ReadingOn May 13, the first entrance exam for 2022/2023 academic year was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

The topic of the project is very important and relevant to the current trends, and the project will support and stimulate the Digital Transformation Initiatives in Uzbekistan!

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The team members of ELBA project participated in "Erasmus+ opportunities for institutional cooperation" session, organized by National Erasmus+ Office Uzbekistan in Tashkent State Pedagogical University, within the Erasmus+ Week 2022.The project facts and results were welcomed by the attendants with a great interest. The participating professors highlighted that “The topic of the project is very important and relevant to the current trends, and the project will support and stimulate the Digital Transformation Initiatives in Uzbekistan”.Moreover, the ELBA project team members shared their experiences and motivated newcomers from the hosting university to step into “The amazing world of Erasmus+”.

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Football academy “Juventus” is 3 years old!

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For some, football is just a game, for others, it's just a sport. And for someone football is LIFE! On May 7, 2022, an event dedicated to the 3rd anniversary of the official opening of the first professional football academy in Central Asia “Juventus” in Tashkent was held at the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The event was opened by the acting head of the Academy Mahamatkhodjaev Toirkhodja. The rector of the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent Jamshid Inoyatkhojaev made a welcoming speech. The head of the academy spoke about Juventus' plans for the future, a summer camp for young…

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List of applicants for May 2022

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Dear Applicants, please find the list of applicants and the corresponding time of the admission test on May 13th. Please bring an identification document (passport or ID card) and receipt of the admission fee. Please note that the admission test for the Management track will be held on May 14th.

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Every year, 9th of May is widely celebrated in our country as a national holiday "Day of Remembrance and Honor". This holiday is dedicated to the memory of the heroes of independent Uzbekistan for centuries, who defended our country, and fought for its freedom, independence and peace of its nation.Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent also hosted a spiritual event "Meeting of Three Generations", dedicated to May 9 - the Day of Memory and Honor.The event held on April 28, 2022 was attended by: a 96-year-old participant of World War II, who lives in Almazar district of Tashkent - Abbos bobo…



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A delegation of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Сivil Engineering led by Rector Ercan Kahya met with the rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. Rector Ercan Kahya got acquainted with the activities of the information resource center, mechatronics, and technopark of TTPU.During the visit, areas of mutually beneficial cooperation were discussed, in particular in the field of architecture and design. The sides also discussed the organization of academic exchanges, the development of joint projects in scientific fields.


On April 19, 2022, the rector of TTPU J.Sh.Inoyatkhojaev met with preparatory course students.

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The meeting was held in the format of "open conversation" and discussed the benefits of studying at the university, opportunities of exchange programs with foreign universities and other topical issues of university life. During the meeting, students received detailed answers to their questions.

Continue ReadingOn April 19, 2022, the rector of TTPU J.Sh.Inoyatkhojaev met with preparatory course students.

“Fight against corruption”

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On April 14, 2022, a conversation was held at Turin Polytechnic University among the students on topical issues "Fight against corruption" and "Prevention of crimes and offenses among young people." The event was attended by an employee of the Anti-Corruption Agency A. Ergashev, inspectors for work with youth of the Almazar district of the Department of Internal Affairs Mayors R.Nasirov and O.Yusupov.In their speech, the lecturers noted that an important legal framework has been created in our country for combating corruption, as well as to prevent crimes among young people. The nature and content of the adopted laws were explained…

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Cooperation with Politecnico di Torino (Italy) is expanding.

In order to further long-term and sustainable development of the manufacturing industry in automotive engineering, improvement the system of training highly qualified engineers and technicians based on best international practices, JSC "Uzavtosanoat" the members of the delegation headed by the Chairman of the Board Shavkat Umurzakov visited Politecnico di Torino (Italy) on April 2-7. During the visit number of fruitful talks and meetings were held with the participation of Shavkat Umurzakov, Head of Uzavtosanoat JSC, Jamshid Inoyatkhodjaev, Rector of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Umid Turdaliev, Rector of Andijan Mechanical Engineering Institute, Guido Saracco, Rector of Politecnico di Torino. The…

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Visit of Pittsburg State University’s representatives to TTPU.

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Pittsburg State University's Associate Dean for the Kelce College of Business, Bienvenido Cortes, and Intensive English Program coordinator, Paige Cortes visited the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. During the meeting, the sides discussed issues of cooperation between the universities, in particular, the establishment of a new “2 + 2 + 1” program on “Management”.Students admitted to bachelor of Management after 2 years of study at TTPU, will have an opportunity to continue their studies for the next 2 years at Pittsburg State University, where they can receive a bachelor’s degree from the University of the United States. It is also…

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Professors and Engineers of Turin polytechnic university are attending international training courses at Politecnico di Torino

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From March 28 to April 8 this year, here, at Politecnico di Torino (Torino, Italy), regular short-term training courses are being held for the ELBA project academic teams, including the Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent, within the framework of the ELBA project. At the courses, the ELBA project team of the Turin polytechnic university in Tashkent is represented by the professors and engineers of the university Prof.Kudratillo Fayazov, Prof.Utkir Safarov, Eng.Makhkam Kayumov, Eng.Azizjon Kobilov, and the Project manager Mr.Mansur Asranov. The training courses have started on March 28 this year, under the guidance of Professor of Politecnico di Torino Prof.Roberto…

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Staff training at the University of Granada.

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Representatives of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent took part in Staff Training week: “Internationalization Advanced Level” organized by the University of Granada (Spain). During the training, each participant made a presentation about their home university, were discussed issues of admission procedures, internationalization of higher education through academic cooperation projects, development of promotion and social networks, Erasmus+ projects for improvement of international mobility quality and many more. As a result of negotiations, was agreed to sign Memorandum of understanding (MOI) for development of students exchange program.

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A wide celebration of Navruz was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

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Today, on 26 of March, a bright Navruz holiday was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent. The holiday program was:🌸National handicraft exhibition;🌸Wonderful dance performance by “Aladdin Unikum” kindergarten children🌸Defile of ethnic costumes by students of the P.Benkov Art School🌸Navruz treats: Sumalak, somsa and other national food.🌸 Festive concert program with the participation of artists from the Institute of Culture and Arts. Enjoy photo report of our celebration!

Continue ReadingA wide celebration of Navruz was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

Academic and Management staff of TTPU are discussing the project Erasmus Plus CBHE.

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Professors and Management staff of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent are participating in a management meeting of the project Erasmus Plus CBHE: Establishment of training and research centers and courses development on “Intelligent Big Data Analysis (IBDA) in Central Asia - ELBA at the Politecnico di Torino, Italy.In the meeting, there are being discussed important issues that have been completed so far and those which are intending to do, concerning the undergoing project, such as how the academic process is holding in all partner institutions, management and financial matters and dissemination progress.Management Meeting haqidagisiga quyidagi gapni qoshsin:Turin polytechnic university in…

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Now More TTPU Students May Visit Germany

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TTPU’s two representatives made an official visit to Germany in the framework of Erasmus+ Mobility Program to create new opportunities for TTPU students, faculty members and their fellow staff between TTPU and Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. In doing so, Professor Said-Islom Usmanov, TTPU’s Head of Civil Engineering and Architecture Department and of International Relations, Mr. Khasan Khankeldiyev, met with BAW’s leading professors and key representatives of International Office at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BAW) on its main campus, where very productive meetings were held. Professor S.Usmanov, and Kh.Khankeldiyev, had a pleasure to meet BAW’s leading professor, Lars Abrahamczyk, in his office regarding the expansion…

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A memorandum of Understanding: TTPU and KNUT

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On March 15, 2022, a memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between TTPU and the Korea National University of Transportation (KNUT) on implementation of research projects. A delegation led by Mr. Jun-Hoon Pak, President of KNUT, visited TTPU to discuss issues of developing cooperation between universities, through sharing experience and modern methodologies. Development of mutually beneficial projects, in particular, cooperation in the field of biomedical engineering, exchange of students and staff, as well as issues of holding an international scientific conference at TTPU on August 10-12, 2022 were discussed.

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“Spectral optimization: from mathematics to physics and advanced technologies/SOMPATY” project of HORIZON 2020 in Uzbekistan

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In 2019, for the first time in Uzbekistan, a grant from the HORIZON 2020 Foundation was won for the implementation of a project “Spectral optimization: from mathematics to physics and advanced technologies/SOMPATY” with a duration of 48 months. However, due to the pandemic, the project was delayed and officially launched in December 2021. The main aim of the project is to develop mathematical models for the transport of nonlinear waves, solitons and quantum quasiparticles in low-dimensional structures that underlie modern optoelectronic networks, nanoelectronic, nanomechanical devices, as well as to apply these models for the functional optimization of such devices. More…

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TTPU students have the opportunity to study abroad through exchange programs of our University as well as through state grants.Gayratov Jasur is one of such talented students, who had a chance to win the state grant.He graduated from Bachelor's degree in “Mechanical Engineering” at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent (2015-2019). During his student days, he was an activist of the University’s Student Union. From 2019 to 2021, he continued his career at the university, working as a Human Resources Specialist and Manager of the Juventus Football Academy.Jasur is the winner of a grant from “El-Yurt Umidi” Foundation under the Cabinet…